On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW single from Duvie Shapiro titled Ima Sheli, the world broadcast premiere of a song off Dovid Pearlman upcoming debut album titled Shira Shebalev, the world broadcast debut of a new single from Tzvi Silberstein feat. Benny Friedman coming soon titled Poseach, the broadcast debut of a new single from singer and songwriter Ruli Ezrachi titled Nissim Venisyonot, the broadcast debut of a new single from Eli Dachs and Akiva Elbogen titled Hu Yivarech, the world broadcast premiere of music from Reuven Garber debut album titled AYEH!, the broadcast debut of a new single from British singer Shloime Gertner titled V'siten Luni, the world broadcast debut of a new single from Gindi Maimonides Academy titled Many Voices One Song featuring Beri Weber, Baruch Levine, Mordechai Shapiro and Benny Friedman, the Z Report debut of a new song from Eliyahu Chait and Aryeh Kunstler titled Oto Chalom and the US debut of a new single from Moti Weiss titled Machshavot Tovot. We also have NEW music from Shir 3 and more, PLUS all of your concert information.