On this week's spectacular Pre-Shavous edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW upcoming singe from Levy Falkowitz being released tomorrow in honor of Shavous titled Ich Daven, the World broadcast debut of a new single from Oorah being released as a music video in the next day or two featuring Baruch Levine and child soloist Nachi Kaufman titled V'sein Chelkeinu, the broadcast debut from Yaakov Shwekey titled Keili Keili dedicated to those lost in the tradegy in Meron, the US debut of a new single from Eliyahu Chait title Chasdo, from Naftali Blumenthal titled Emunah, from Dovid Lowy titled Yehudi B'chol Kochi and from Nemouel and Chaim Israel titled Ziv HaKodesh. We also have some amazing Shavous and torah selections from the last 30 plus years and more, PLUS all of your concert information.