On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW single off Zusha's new album featuring Ishay Ribo titled Lecha Dovi, the Z Report debut of the debut single from the band Shlepping Nachas titled Kudsha Brichu, the US premiere of a new single from Israeli singer Mendi Wiess titled Gibor K'Ari, the broadcast debut of a new single from Eitan Katz titled Ki Keil Melech off his upcoming new album, the broadcast debut of a new music from Shloime Taussig off his new EP 5 Kolos and the Z Report debut of a new single from TYH Nation and the Moshav Band released for Tu Beshvat titled Adam. Vetern arranger, conductor and musician Yisroel Lamm phoned in to talk to us about the upcoming Jewish Music Hall of Fame Show presented by Makor and produced by Sheya Mendlowitz. We also have some great Tu Beshvat collections, songs from the parsha and more, PLUS all of your concert information.