On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW music off the new album from the Solomon Brothers titled Geula, the Z Report debut of a single from newcomer Meilech Braunstein titled Avodas Yisroel, the World broadcast premiere of a new song released this morning from Eitan Katz titled Nigun Rikud, the US debut of new single from Israeli singer Shimon Bar Yohay titled Ani Itcha, the broadcast debut of newcomer Yitzi Ackerman with his debut single titled Lomo Nigora, the US debut of new music from singer and songwriter Shmuel titled Ten Li Tefillah, the Z Report debut of a new single from French singer Shneor Orel titled Shir HaGeula and the broadcast debut of a new single release last week from brothers Shauly & Yitzy Waldner titled Mi Sheberach.. We also have NEW music from Aaron Razel, Dovid Lowy and more, PLUS all of your concert information.