On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing Acapella show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW acapella single from singer Uri Davidi titled Lehodos, the Z Report debut of a acapella version of the hit song Mi Sheomar Acapella released by TYH and performed by Joey Newcomb feat Yosh Friedman, the World broadcast debut of track from the new Tzvi Silberstein acapella album titled Vocalicious, the broadcast debut of a new acapella cover from Eli Levin of the hit song Nechake Lecha, the broadcast debut of an acapella cover from Baruch Levine of the song Yehiyu Leratzon off his latest album and the broadcast debut of a new acapella single released by Yoily Polatseck & Zemiros ft. Chaim Blumenfeld titled Reb Shayaleh. We also have NEW music from Ari Goldwag, Tzvi Silbersetin and more, PLUS all of your concert information.