On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW single from French/Israeli singer Nemouel titled Shomer Yisrael, the US premiere of a new single from Israeli singer Meydad Tasa titled Leiv Chazak, the US debut of a new single from singer Ruli Dikman titled Livnot Bayit, the broadcast debut of the debut single from newcomer Shua Rose titled Hoshien and the US premiere of a new single from singer Motty Oyzer titled Hayom Hazeh. Singer Eli Marcus phoned in at the top of hour number two to talk to us about the release of his newest album DUGMA. Hear how Eli went about choosing the songs for the special album.What is a Dugma? Who is your Dugma? Find out about that ad more in this intriguing interview. We also have NEW music from Sruly Green, Baruch Levine, Pini Einhorn, Eli Marcus and more, PLUS all of your concert information.