On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW music from Israeli singer Chaim Israel off his new album released yesterday titled Chibarti Manginot, the broadcast debut of a new single from TYH & Moshe Auslander titled Baderech, the broadcast premiere of new music from Simcha Leiner's new EP titled The Chait Collection, the World debut of a new single from Israeli talented duo Isaac & Rubenstein titled Eyes Glazed Up, the broadcast debut of a new single from Uzi Bodner titled Mayein Olam Habah and broadcast debut of a new song from Lipa Schmeltzer feat. Michoel Schnitzler A"H titled Ein Oid. We also have NEW music from Chaim Israel, Simcha Leiner and more, PLUS all of your concert information.