On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a new remix from superstar singer Mordechai Shapiro of his song Ani Yehudi, the debut of a new single from singer Danny Palgon titled Sheva Yipol, the US premiere of a new single from singer and songwriter Akiva titled Rotze Lehitorer, new music from Shulem a cover of a Chanan Ben Ari song titled Atalef Iver, the broadcast debut of a new single from Eitan & Avshalom Katz titled K'shoshana, the US debut of a new single from Israeli artist Avishai Eshel titled Margish Acher, the broadcast debut of a new single from Dovy Meisels & Hershy Weinberger titled Tzilchu Noeh, the US debut of a new single from Nehorai Arieli titled Mishalot and the debut of a new single from Waterbury Mesivta titled Ahavti. We also have NEW music from Naftali Kempeh, Sandy Shmuely and more, PLUS all of your concert information.