On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW single from Emunai Yisrael featuring several top Israeli singers including Yaakov Shwekey titled Am Echad, the broadcast premier of a new single from TYH featuring Avraham Fried titled B'korov Mamash, the broadcast debut of a new single featuring Shea Berko & Gershi Uri titled Hoidee Lashem composed by Yitzchak Honig, the US debut of new music from Moshe Lichtenstein titled Gal Enai, from Yanki Hill titled Mila Shel Nechama, from Nemouel & Martin Widerker titled Nitzotz Shel Emunah, from Natanel Aboksis titled Derech Melech and the debut of a new single from Lenny Solomon titled Lo Yishama. We also have some great inspiring songs to help you get through these troubled times and more, PLUS all of your concert information.