On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing Chanukah show for you. We have the World broadcast premiere of a NEW upcoming single from DJ Kraz X Bentzi Marcus being release this motzei shabbos titled Fighter, the broadcast debut of a new single from Benny Friedman titled We Are With You, the broadcast debut of a new single from Yechiel Schron titled Al Hanissim, Z Report debut of a new single from singer and songwriter Moshe Groner titled Haneiros Halalu, the broadcast debut of a new single from Torontian Shaya Lexier titled Higaleh Na, the Z Report debut of a new single from Gelf x Yosef Gestetner titled Shiviti, the broadcast debut of a new single from singer Shmuly Schneider titled You're NEVER Alone and the broadcast debut of a new hit single from Matt Dubb titled Anachnu Maaminim. We also have some great inspiring songs to help you get through these troubled times and more, PLUS all of your concert information.