On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW single from The Waterbury Yeshiva titled Achas Shoalti, the broadcast debut of new music from Hillel Kapnick titled Uteshuva off his Elul EP, the US debut of a new single from Israeli singer Netanel Israel titled Lo Yom Velo Layla, the Z Report debut of a new single from the guys behind Thank You Hashem featuring Pumpidisa titled ELUL Hamelech Basadeh, the US debut of a new single duet featuring singers Ahrele Samet and Pini Einhorn in a new song titled V'Harvach Lanu, the broadcast debut of a new song from Broncher ft. Eliya Vahab titled Mama, the broadcast debut of a new single from Dani Kunstler titled Hashem Hashem, the broadcast debut of yet another amazing medley from the Yoni Eliav Band this time ft.the Yedidim Choir titled Wedding Medley 2020, the broadcast dbut of a new single from Reuven Garber titled Close My Eyes and the broadcast debut of a new single from Shlomo Katz released this morning titled Lev Tahor. We also have NEW music, great selections from this weeks Parsha and more, PLUS all of your concert information.