On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW single from Chaim Shlomo Mayesz released in time for the Yomim Noroim titled Kera, the broadcast debut of a new single from singer and songwriter Zevi Kaufman titled B'Yeshiva Sheli, the Z Report debut of a new single featuring Baruch Levine titled Shet'chadesh, the Z Report debut of yet another new single from superstar Avraham Fried titled Levakesh Rachamim, the US debut of a new single from singers Kobi Perets and Chaim Israel titled Elokim Kol Yachol, the broadcast debut f a new single from Doniel Daitchman titled Kaveh, the US debut of a new single from Mizrachi singer Avishai Eshel titled Mechila and the US debut of a new single from Shloime Cohen titled Bakesh. We also have some great selections from the Parsha and more, PLUS all of your concert information.