On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing Pre-Rosh Hashanah show for you. We have the World premiere of the debut single from Eli Gerstner for the Chizuk Projoct titled RISE! featuring Avraham Fried, Eli Gerstner and Baruch Levine, the broadcast debut of a new single from Rabbi Ruvi New titled It’s You! composed by hitmaker Yitzy Waldner, the US debut of a new single from Ruli Dikman titled Yamim Yafim, the broadcast debut of a new single from Singer and songwriter Yitzy Kaplowitz titled Hayom and the US debut of a new song from Shlomo Katz for the Yomim Noroim titled Adam Yesodo. We also have NEW music from Ishay Ribo as well as many selections from Rosh Hashanah davening and tefilos, PLUS all of your concert information.