On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW single from Israeli superstar singer Aviv Geffen and chassidic superstar Avraham Fried titled Batzoret, the broadcast debut of a new single from superstar singer Yaakov Shwekey titled Elokim Natan Lecha, the US debut of a new single from Sruli Broncher ft. Dovid Pearlman titled Let Go, the Z Report debut of a new single from newcomer Yissachar Dror titled Carry On, the broadcast debut of a new single from Betzalel Levin titled Tair Neri - Light My Candle, the broadcast debut of a new hit single from Matt Dubb titled Tzur, the Word broadcast debut of a new single from Yonatan Shainfeld titled Achot Ktana, the US debut of a new single from singer and songwriter Akiva titled Rak Od Rega, the US debut of the title track of Avi Haas debut album titled La'alot Bahar and the broadcast debut of a new single from Benzion Klatzko titled Kel Moleh (Echoes From Our Past). We also have NEW music from Shmueli Ungar, Yaakov Shwekey and more, PLUS all of your concert information.
On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing show for you. We have the World premiere of a...