On this week's spectacular edition of the Z Report LIVE, we have an amazing ACAPELLA show for you. We have the World premiere of a NEW acapella version of the popular Yehiyu Leratzon originally released by Nachas composed by Shloime Kaufman now released as an acapella single by Shloime himself, the World broadcast debut of new acapella from Yossi Glick's newest album Shvuchim 2, the US debut of a new acapella cover of the widely popular song Shvurei Lev from Israeli singer Meir Hajby, the US premiere of new acapella from Mishalot Boys Choir of Mordechai Shapiro's hit song Hakol Mishamayim and the US debut of a acapella version of Avi Man's ballad Melech Rachman. We also have NEW acapella from Benny Friedman, Ari Goldwag, New York Boys Choir, Yiddish Nachas and more, PLUS all of your concert information.